natural living community

“Nature has all the answers.”
Mother Earth
Where we're at
On 8-8-2023, we found a beautiful 2.7ha land full of spring water and magical trees in a quiet spot in the mountains, in between Ponte de Lima and Arcos de Valdevez. In the past months we have set up our yurt, bought a tiny house on wheels, connected electricity cables, sourced the spring water from the mountains to all our tabs and set up our outdoor jacuzzi. Time to call in community members to join us in creating a new (and old) natural way of living here together!
We are Rozemarijn and Yannick, a Dutch couple, both 44. Our daughter Ronja is 3 years old now. Our dream is to live as a small community on this land (6-8 adults plus children) and share our daily life, create beauty together, celebrate, feel and heal ourselves. To give our children the chance to grow up close to nature, free to explore the world from their innate curiosity.
Our vision: Reconnect to ourselves, to each other and to nature
For us living at the same land is at the heart of what we want to create. To take care of mother earth, reconnect to (our) nature, to care for each other. To create a natural way of life free from old dogma’s. To learn again to live as a community, to have all the different flavors and talents complementing each other. To share morning practices, intimacy, rituals, meditations, meals and work on the land, while also having your own home.
Of course this will bring up a lot of emotional stuff. We look for people that are willing and motivated like us to do the inner work and grow from that. Not only for our personal benefit but as a way to contribute to a world of peace and natural abundance.

The elements
Regular sharing circles with all community members are at the core of our community life. It creates a safe space to feel and be vulnerable. A powerful way to connect at a deeper level with ourselves and each other and to work through tensions. In this way we can support each other to heal our trauma’s and take responsibility for our patterns. We are dedicated to do the inner work to be able to create the life that is aligned with our soul.
Shared community projects
Gardening, natural building, making the place more beautiful, receiving guests, put our love and soul into the land. Our experience so far is that it works best if everybody does what he loves to do for getting things done from flow and joy. And divide responsibilities (not having everybody decide about everything). But this will be an ongoing practice and co-creation to find out what works best for everybody.
Regular shared vegetarian meals
Shared meals to meet each other and share the joy of eating fresh, nourishing food vibrating with life force. In the shared kitchen and community spaces we want to maintain a sugar free and vegetarian base line (no meat and fish). No drugs, no smoking and little use of alcohol.
Diversity in people and in age
We envision a diverse group with different talents that complement each other. Also every phase in life has different qualities. Ideally we would combine all those different energies and let them enrich each other. Eg. We love the special connection between elderly people and kids. For now we want to start with a small group, 6-8 adults and maybe from there grow bigger.
Spiritual practice
A really important ingredient for us is to share a spiritual practice at least once a week, but preferably more often. This can be a combination of meditation, teachings, music and seasonal rituals. All with the aim to re-connect to source, and reconnect with your own soul. To look at our actions from a bigger perspective and make choices from a space of love.
Permaculture vegetable garden full of living foods
A big vegetable garden set up along permaculture principles that provides us year-round with living foods that radiate life force energy. Fruit and nut trees and some small animals like chicken, ducks, sheep, to make the natural cycle of life and death work for itself. We would love people who are passionate about creating this to join!
Your own living space
Everybody has his/her own living space (little house, yurt, caravan), a place to resource yourself with the amount of privacy each one desires. Our land gives space to at least 3 households and there are also neighbouring lands that are for sale. There is an old house on our land that needs a total renovation and that we want to transform to a shared community space with kitchen, chill out area, guest dorm, yoga shala, meditation space and a big terrace overlooking the valley.
Tantra / bodywork
The body is what makes us unique beings on this planet earth and is an essential portal to connect to life. We understand that it can store a lot of trauma but also that it has the potential that can be unlocked through working with the life force / sexual / kundalini energy. Therefor we noticed we connect amazingly well with people that either did tantra trainings (ISTA, TNT), love to cuddle and touch and are willing to work with what comes up through these practices.
Unschooling / forest school / homeschooling
Ideally the community will also be a place for the children to learn from life, following their own intrinsic interests. By living close to nature and close to adults that work from their own passion. Maybe some parents want to guide the children, or maybe there will be a forest school close by in the future. Right now there are a few alternative schools at 20-40 minutes drive from our land.
Sustainable and comfortable lifestyle
We honor the principle of caring for the earth. Finding the most sustainable solutions that least impact the natural balance of mother earth is an ongoing search in this complex world. We try to lower our footprint where possible and at the same time we try to find smart solutions to allow for the comfort and luxury we also like. So we live in a yurt, drive a tesla, shower cold and bath at night in a jacuzzi under the stars.

About us
Yannick works as entrepreneur in software development which allowed us to travel and start a new life abroad. Other than that he loves wing foil surfing, taking on new projects, personal development (energy work, meditation, Wim hof, tantric practice and polyamory) and playing the saxophone. He is a pioneer and loves to bring back nature in every aspect of life. To live from flow and enjoy abundance.
Rozemarijn has lived in several intentional communities and is passionate about making connection work between people through vulnerability and authenticity. She is a bodyworker giving dearmouring sessions, yoni healings and massages. Also trained in do-in yoga and the Chinese natural medicine. She loves everything related to a natural life style, from healthy, mostly plant based, food to naked cold swims in natural water, a lot of dancing, regular women circles, seasonal rituals and connecting to the rhythm of nature.
Ronja turns 3 in April and was born in a Tiny House in the Netherlands. She is a free spirit, loves to experience new things and to connect to lots of different people.
Simon & Lineke where the first members to join Na Fonte. They live in their caravan and are passionate about a really big community project called The Garden of Life.
from left to right: Yannick, Ronja, Rozemarijn, Simon & Lineke